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Join date: Oct 28, 2021


Isabella graduated from Stanford in 2021 with a B.A.H in Human Biology and a B.A. in Linguistics. In undergrad, she won three national championships as a member and captain of the Stanford women’s lightweight rowing team, led the Stanford Women’s Educational Erging Program, and was a preclinical interviewer and coordinator of patient advocates at Cardinal Free Clinics. She’s interested in the intersection of autism, child language acquisition and medicine. Previously, conducting research on neurotypical word and conceptual learning for her undergraduate thesis, she is currently studying expressive language and the cognitive and linguistic correlates of reading acquisition in autistic children at Tsinghua University. Isabella is also the event coordinator for the 2022 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit and a camp counselor for Stanford Neurodiversity Project - Research, Education, Advocacy Camp for High Schoolers.

Isabella Duan

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